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Can You Find Your Church in The Bible?

Michael Demory • Jan 25, 2024

WE ask this question because there seems to be a lot of confusion about denominational Christianity verses New Testament Christianity. Yes, there is a difference, New Testament Christianity is based solely upon the doctrine of Christ as taught in the New Testament. Denominational Christianity did not exist in the first century but was invented by men in the late 7th century with the advent of the Roman Catholic Church denomination.

Most members of denominational churches have been taught by their non-pastors, that Jesus taught denominational Christianity in His lesson on the Vine and Branches (John 15:1-8). Verse 5 of that text says, “I am the vine, you are the branches…” it is argued that the branches represent denominational churches, but only if you force the implication by ignoring the context.  Jesus is the vine, and every individual Christian are the branches. When Jesus said, “you are the branches” He was talking to individual disciples, not to denominational churches which didn’t exist for 700 years. Notice verse 6 – “IF a man abide not in Me…” A MAN (an individual), not a  denominational church! So, again, we ask, “Can you find YOUR church in the Bible?” If not, why have you not left that denomination to find the one taught in the Bible?

           When Jesus stated that He would build HIS CHURCH (Matthew 16:18), He chose the singular usage of the word, not the plural which then justify more than one. Only ONE church was established on Pentecost 30AD in the city of Jerusalem (Acts 2). It was the only church Jesus said HE would build – the only church He shed His blood for (Acts 20:28) – the only church He is the savior of Ephesians 5:23) – the only church He is the head of (Ephesians 5:23) – the church of Christ! That is the only Christian church that existed for 700 years, until men decided they wanted more than the one God authorized.

           Denominational Creed Books and Church Manuals admit their denomination did not exist in the first century, but was founded by a man, other than in Jerusalem, in the 16th – 20th Centuries. That means they admit they have the wrong founder (Not Jesus), the wrong founding place (not Jerusalem) and the wrong founding date (not 30AD). Only the church of Christ, the ONE Jesus said HE would build, fits those requirements (Isaiah 2:2-3; Daniel 2:44-45; Acts 2; Luke 24:47).

           Not even the Roman Catholic Church which falsely claims it has apostolic succession in its priesthood can be found in the New Testament, or anywhere else in the Bible. Peter was never a “Pope,” as he had a wife (Mark 1:30), which Catholic Clergy are not allowed to have. We find no such thing as “Purgatory” taught in the Bible, or “praying to dead saints,” or “Mary being a perpetual virgin,” or one central head of the church, other than Jesus Himself (Ephesians 5:23). And they say they gave the world the Bible, a book that does not teach their doctrine.

           Jesus is not a polygamist, He has only one bride, His one and only church (Revelation 21:2, 9). When He returns to Judge the world in righteousness (Acts 17:31), He will be coming to retrieve His bride and take her to her heavenly home (1Thessalonians 4:16-18; Matthew 25:34). In the parable of the tares (Matthew 13:24-30), Jesus gives this parable as a “Kingdom of heaven” parable. There is good seed and bad seed that sown. The good seed is Christ’s one and only church, the tares are the denominations of men. On Judgment Day the tares will be gathered and burned up, while the wheat (the church of Christ, the only bride of Christ) will be put in the barn (heaven). May we ask you again, “why are you still in a church you cannot find in the Bible?”

           In Acts 17:10-11 we find the apostle Paul and Silas traveling to the town of Berea. Once there they enter a Jewish synagogue to take the opportunity to preach the gospel truth to the Jews and Gentiles worshipping there. Luke says that the members of the synagogue from the city of Berea were more noble than those who lived in Thessalonica. Why you, might ask? Because they had open minds and accepted the words Paul preached them with the mindset that they would study the Scriptures further on their own to make sure the wool had not been pulled over their eyes. Oh, if more men and women today would be as noble as these Bereans. There would be more souls with the hope of a heavenly home than there are.

           Our hope is that you will stop accepting what you have been taught and told, and study it out for yourself. Most of you probably believe that your doctrine is found in the Bible, and that your “pastor” would never teach something not found in the Bible. You probably even believe your denomination does not have a creed book, or a church manual, or confession. You would be wrong, because the only way a denominational church can exist, is for it to have confessions of faith, catechisms, articles of faith, manuals, methods, etc. Paul said, “faith comes by hearing the Word of God” (Romans 10:17). Saving faith cannot come by accepting the words of a church manual, creed, confession, or catechism.

           We urge you to please open your Bible for the first time and study it. Read the words without thinking about what you have been taught or told the Bible teaches. Read it with an open mind, an honest mind. Our purpose is to get you to thing for yourself. Stop taking the easy way out, by accepting what you are told the Bible teaches. God is going to judge us all individually (2 Corinthians 5:10). Wouldn’t you rather know for certain why you can’t find your church in the Bible? Wouldn’t you rather know for certain why creeds, manuals, confessions, catechisms are wrong? Wouldn’t you rather know for certain what God requires of everyone to be saved? He is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34), meaning He will judge us all by the same standard.

           We are here to help you find the truth. We don’t want you to be shocked on Judgment Day when God says, “depart from Me” (Matthew 25:41, 46; 7:23). Which if you believe we are wrong and lost, we hope you would do the same to reach out to us and teach us the truth. There is only one truth. Either we are all wrong and need to find that one truth, or only one of us is correct in our understanding. We are to be of the same mind (1 Corinthians 1:10). 

By Michael Demory 17 Jan, 2024
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By Michael Demory 08 Jan, 2024
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By Michael Demory 03 Jan, 2024
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By Michael Demory 30 Dec, 2023
PENTECOSTALISM has so pervaded society that religion has become subjective rather than the objective view God intended. Spirituality and religion in general are more about one’s feelings, than it is about the truth and how or when the truth should be ascertained. Most people believe it is their "pastor" or "priest" that is the authority when it comes to religion and its doctrine. Forgot about God and His inspired Word (revelation) to man. Paul enjoined in Colossians 3:17, “And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father, through Him” (NKJV). In other words, in everything we believe, teach, or practice we are to have the Lord’s authority (approval) for it. In the name of = by the authority of (Acts 4:7). All Christians are obligated (required, duty-bound) to “walk by faith” (2 Corinthians 5:7). In Romans 10:17 we find that “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” Therefore, since God said we acquire our faith by hearing the Word of God, then common sense informs us that if there is no Word from God on any given subject, then there can be no faith, and when there is no faith, there is no pleasing God (Hebrews 11:6). This matter is so important, that individuals are jeopardizing their souls by being members of religious groups that care not about God’s authority. Groups that have not taught their members about having Bible authority for what they believe, teach and practice. Our purpose in all our articles to bring to light subjects most of you dear readers have never heard or been taught. God has always required His authority in religious matters and daily living. You’ve heard the story of Nadab and Abihu in Bible classes, how they died for offering strange fire on the altar (Leviticus 10:1-2). Why did God consume them with fire? Because they offered “strange fire,” fire not authorized by God. Our faith comes from hearing the Word of God which rests upon sufficient, conclusive, and compelling evidence that the Bible is exactly what it claims to be – the inspired, infallible, inerrant, and all-sufficient Word of the living God. Our faith is not a blind faith, but rests solidly upon conclusive and compelling evidence (Hebrews 11:1). Faith does not mean absence of evidence. Therefore, there can be no faith if evidence does not exist. Yes, Thomas refused to believe the Lord had risen, but when Jesus presented him evidence, Thomas believed (John 20:24-25). The evolutionist has faith, and as a Christian I have faith, my faith just happens to be supported by evidence, which the evolutionist does not have. Since purpose of life on earth is to prepare each of us for eternity, God, through His Word, has provided us with the building blocks that will help us during our training. The New Testament is God’s divine pattern for righteous living. Just as God gave Noah the pattern or blueprint for building the Ark to the saving of his household, and Moses the pattern for building the tabernacle; so, He has also provided us the pattern for the church, Christian worship and living. Sadly, most people cast aside God’s Word in favor of man’s creeds, manuals, statements of faith, catechisms, and methods. They choose to do that which is right in their own eyes (Judges 17:6); rather than by God’s authority, which means without Biblical faith. Each year we enter what many people refer to as the “reason for the season.” While Christmas is a joyous time of family and fun, where do we find anywhere in God’s Word, the authority for such a holiday? That is, celebrating such as a religious holiday? Most people are confused when it comes to Christmas, decorating both secularly and religiously. It’s one or the other, not both. Actually, it should only be secularly, not religiously, because there is no word from God on the subject. Are we grateful that Christ Jesus was born? Without a doubt, for salvation would not be possible. But the only thing God has authorized concerning Jesus’ life on earth, is about His death, and most refuse to recognize that. The Lord’s Supper or Communion was the main purpose for Christians in the first century assembling together on the first day of every week (Sunday – Acts 20:7). But nothing is said about His birth, its date, or even recognizing it yearly. Logically speaking, the Scriptures teach that in Christian work and worship we must do only that which is authorized by the Word of God. Therefore, it is possible for human beings to ascertain what is and what is not authorized by the Word of God. There is no authority from God to change, substitute, add, or subtract, from the New Testament Law of Christ. We are not authorized by God to allow what God condemns (alcohol, gambling, homosexuality, adultery, divorce for any reason, etc.) nor are we authorized to condemn what God allows (eating all meat, marrying, working on the sabbath, no foot washing, or women not wearing veils, etc.). Since God’s inspired Word, the New Testament is provided for all human beings today to follow, anything not found in the New Testament is not authorized. God will not accept the worship of anyone taking part in acts that He has not approved of. Cain’s worship was not accepted by God (Genesis 4:2-5). God did not accept the worship of the Israelites when He said, “try offering that kind of sacrifice to your governor!” (Malachi 1:8). God does not authorize based upon our likes or dislikes, our erroneous conclusions about Scripture, what is popular, or majority rule. He does not authorize by human tradition, long-standing practices, silence of the Scriptures, or what some highly respected individual believes or teaches. The Bible authorizes by what it says – not by what it doesn’t say! Nowhere does the Bible authorize counting beads, praying to dead saints, or praying to Mary. Nowhere does the Bible authorize praise teams, the use of instrumental music, women preachers, elders, deacons, prayer, and song leaders. Nor does the Bible authorize more than one church to exist. Jesus gave authority for only one church, HIS church – the church of Christ (Matthew 16:18), and that is the only church that is discussed in the New Testament. All denominational churches today are anywhere from 1500 to 2000 years too late, with founders of their own churches. If we are wrong, then we would appreciate someone showing us where the Bible authorizes more than one church, or anything else we have said in this article. Instead, all we have found, are individuals who hide behind their anonymity when writing us of their disagreement, or those who remove these articles from the paper and cast them aside. Is your doctrine that weak, that you are unable or unwilling to demonstrate it is superior to what we have been teaching? Our purpose is not to cast aspersions upon any one person, but to expose the errors of the doctrines you have been taught. And if you believe they are not errors, then please, let us reason together (Isaiah 1:18).
By Michael Demory 18 Dec, 2023
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By Michael Demory 14 Dec, 2023
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By Michael Demory 28 Nov, 2023
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By Michael Demory 24 Nov, 2023
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By Michael Demory 22 Nov, 2023
THERE is much confusion in the world over this one word “Baptism,” causing many to not realize theirs did nothing for them. God commands us to have His authority (Bible authority) for EVERYTHING we believe, teach and practice (Colossians 3:17). For the only book God will use to judge us all in the end is His Word, the Bible (John 12:48). He won’t be using catechisms, or church manuals, creeds, statements of faith, or confessions. Therefore, since we will be judged out of God’s creed book, wouldn’t it be logical to understand what God says about baptism? Our English words, “Baptism,” “Baptize” and “Baptized,” come from the Greek words “Baptizo” and “Baptisma,” which denote the process of immersing, or submerging. Jesus’ cousin John was called the “Baptist,” or the “immerser.” He was never referred to as the “pourer,” or “sprinkler,” as many today conduct baptism. So, if you were baptized, were you sprinkled with water or was water poured over your head? If so, your baptism was invalid because you were not fully immersed in water which is the definition of the words baptism and baptize. No person in Scripture was ever sprinkled or poured on when instructed to be baptized, they always went down in the water and after immersion, came up out of the water (Acts 8:39; Matthew 3:16). Were you baptized as an infant? Again, nowhere in Scripture do we find an example of babies being baptized. Even the Lutheran and other Protestant churches that practice this error, admit it is not found in the Bible. Therefore, if not authorized by God in His Word, why perform a ritual that God does not condone? Paul said in Romans 14:23 “If it is not of faith, it is sin.” In other words, since faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17), then anything not found in the Word of God cannot possess Bible faith and is sin if we choose to do it anyway. The doctrine of Infant Baptism was introduced when men falsely believed men inherited the sin of Adam and felt they had to sooth their conscience with the false dilemma of sinful infants dying. To protect them from inborn sin, and admitting that baptism washes away sin, they invented infant baptism. The problem with this doctrine, is that it does nothing for the soul of the baby since they are born innocent in the first place. Not to mention, water baptism is not all that is required for salvation. The individual must hear the gospel to develop saving faith (Romans 10:17), and that faith must then motivate the person to repent of their sin, confess that Jesus is the Son of God, and then submit to water baptism (Luke 13:3, Romans 10:9-10; Acts 22:16). Babies are incapable of doing any of these things. Were you baptized after being saved? Since baptism is an immersion, individuals submitting to this baptism find themselves being buried alive, which is absurd. In baptism, a person is mimicking the dead, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Paul reminded the Roman Christians that they had been ‘buried’ with Christ by baptism into death (Romans 6:4). The old man of sin dies and is buried in the watery grave of baptism. He is then raised up (resurrected) a new man in Christ – made alive in Christ (Romans 6:5-6). How is it possible to be saved and then immersed, when the baptism of the Bible says we must be immersed to be saved (Mark 16:16; Matthew 28:19; Acts 22:16; 1 Peter 3:21)? This doctrine puts the cart before the horse. Since this is the case, this type of baptism is not taught in Scripture and therefore is invalid. Were you baptized by the Holy Spirit to be saved? This is a common doctrine among Pentecostals and Neo-Pentecostals. Nowhere in Scripture do we find a command to be baptized (immersed) with the Holy Spirit to be saved. There are several baptisms mentioned in Scripture, but only one is commanded, and that is water baptism (Ephesians 4:5; Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16 et al). Baptism by fire, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:11) and that of suffering (Matthew 20:22) are only promises, not commands. Disciples are commanded to administer water baptism (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16), but only Jesus is able to administer Holy Spirit baptism, and then only to certain individuals. The baptism of the Great Commission as found in Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:16 is not Holy Spirit baptism. Water baptism is for “all nations” and required of every accountable individual. Concerning Holy Spirit baptism Jesus said, the world cannot receive (John 14:7). Water baptism is commanded by God, while Holy Spirit was a promise given only to the apostles (John 14-16; Acts 1:2-5). Water baptism is a condition of salvation, while Spirit baptism dealt with confirming the gospel (John 16:13; Hebrews 2:4). Water baptism has both a burial and resurrection (Romans 6:4; Colossians 2:12); Spirit baptism has neither (Acts 1:5; 2:4). Therefore, Holy Spirit baptism is invalid as a way of salvation. The baptism as taught and demonstrated in the New Testament, and also commanded by God of all accountable men and women is the ONE baptism of Ephesians 4:5 – immersion in water. There is no example of infants being immersed in water, let alone water being sprinkled or poured upon them. There is no example of the apostles informing people they must be immersed in water as an outward sign of an inward grace. There are no examples of men and women being told to receive Holy Spirit immersion to be saved. Each of these things can only be found in the creed books of men, not the inspired Word of God. The examples we do find in Scripture - the same Scripture that will be used to judge whether or not we followed the dictates of God, or of men - is that men and women submitted themselves to immersion in water FOR (in order to receive) the remission of their sins, after they had repented and confessed Christ so that God could then add them to the church (Acts 2:41, 47; 8:12-13, 38-39; 9:18; 16:13;18:8; 1 Corinthians 1:14, 16; et al). Nowhere in the New Testament is there an example of preachers telling their audience they had already been baptized as infants, or that they were already saved without baptism, or that Holy Spirit baptism saves. Either God lied when He said there is only “ONE” baptism (Ephesians 4:5), or the various baptisms now being taught are the products of men’s minds, and not God’s. Remember, God is not the author of confusion, nor does He ever lie (1 Corinthians 14:33; Titus 1:2). Only the one immersion in water as taught in God’s Word is able to save, and find you added to the one and only church by God, which Jesus will come for when He returns – the church of Christ (Matthew 16:18; Acts 2:47). Please, research this for yourself, convince yourself you have been taught error and then seek the truth.
By Michael Demory 02 Oct, 2023
Is it possible to worship God in vain? Jesus said of the Jews, “In vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Matthew 15:9; Mark 7:7). The answer is, most definitely. Sadly, most people in world today, particularly those claiming Christianity, worship God vainly. The definition of the word ‘vain,’ denotes a worship that is no purpose, as it is not acceptable to God. It is useless, has no point because it is not in accordance with God’s will or authority. The worship of the Jews in Jesus day had become vain because the people were just going through the motions. God looks at our hearts first and foremost. It’s all about our attitude, motive and emphasis. The Jews thought that if they offered their sacrifices, that was enough to please God, but it was not. They also thought more of their traditions, than they did God’s word. Sound familiar? People today care more about tradition than they do God’s will or His word. “Our family has always been -------‘s, and we will never change.” “The traditions of the church have more authority than Scripture.” In Jeremiah’s day, tradition became so important to the Jews, that God instructed Jeremiah not to even pray for the Jewish people (Jeremiah 11:14; 14:11); because the people’s worship had become vain. Oh sure, we can continue to deceive ourselves into thinking our worship is acceptable to God, but in the end (Judgment Day), all who do so will not like the results (Matthew 7:13-14, 21). It is up to each one of us to humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord (James 4:10), by rightly dividing God’s word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). We are told that God desires that ALL men and women be saved, and come to a knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4), but unfortunately, most will choose to believe a lie because they do not love the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12), like one man I recently tried to study with. I am not saying it is easy turning our backs on things we have always believed, but if we really care about truth, then we will not allow tradition to prevent us from making our calling and election sure (2 Peter 1:10). Jesus is the author of eternal salvation only for those who obey Him (Hebrews 5:9). Jesus said, IF you love Me, keep My commandments (John 14:15; 15:14). Obedience to the gospel (Jesus’ words), is the only way to prevent us from worshipping God in vain. Jesus said, “The hour has come, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and it truth: for the Father seeks such to worship Him. God is a spirit: and they that worship Him MUST worship Him in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23-24). In truth, in accordance to the truth, which is the word of God (John 17:17). If it is not found in Scripture, then it is not the truth, and our worship will be vain (worthless) to God. Let us help you discover God’s will for your life.
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